Communication prior to entering into a Contract of Sale

The Contractor expressly informs the Buyer that:

  • the costs of distance communication means do not differ from the basic rate (in the case of Internet and phone connection, the costs depend on the terms and conditions of the Buyer’s operator; the Contractor does not charge any additional fees; this does not apply to contractual transport);
  • payment of the purchase price is required before the performance is taken over by the Buyer from the Contractor; the possible obligation to pay a deposit or make a similar payment applies to the Buyer's requirements to be provided with specific services, if requested and provided;
  • the prices of the goods and services are included in the website operated by the Contractor; the prices include all the taxes and all the statutory fees; nevertheless, the costs of delivery of the goods or services differ, depending on the selected carrier and method of payment; if the Buyer collects the goods at the company’s business premises (point of issue), the costs amount to CZK 0.00;
  • if the Buyer is a Consumer, he has the right to withdraw from the Contract (unless specified otherwise below) within a period of fourteen (14) days of the date of entering into a Contract, and in the case of a Contract of Sale, within a period of fourteen (14) days of the date of receipt of the goods; such withdrawal must be sent to the address of the individual, Miloslav Kubín, or to the Contractor‘s email, or via the sample Contract of Sale Withdrawal Form.docx or the Contract of Sale Withdrawal Form.pdf, which are available at;
  • The Consumer may not withdraw from a Contract concerning:
    • the provision of services performed by the Contractor, with the prior express consent of the Consumer, before the expiry of the time-limit for withdrawal from the Contract;
    • the supply of goods or services where the price depends on financial market fluctuations independent of the Contractor’s will, occurring during the time-limit for withdrawal from the Contract;
    • the supply of goods which have been modified according to the Consumer‘s wishes or for the person of the Consumer.
  • In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, the Consumer bears the costs connected with returning the goods; if the Contract has been concluded by distance communication means, the Consumer bears the costs of returning the goods if the goods may not be returned, due to its nature, by usual mail;
  • The Consumer has the obligation to pay a proportional part of the price in case of withdrawal from a Contract concerned with the provision of services whose performance has already started;
  • The Contract of Sale or the relevant Proof of Sale of Goods will be stored in the electronic archive of; registered users may access the data in their profiles after logging in;
  • The Buyer, by confirming to “pay by cash on delivery”, notes and agrees that if the Buyer fails to collect the consignment within the given time-limit and the consignment is subsequently returned to the Contractor, the Buyer will be charged the frustrated postal and packing charges amounting to CZK 139,00 for sending the registered consignment. The Buyer will receive a postal money order for the said amount; the postal money order will be sent to the Buyer‘s email address given in its registration. If the Buyer fails to pay the postal money order within seven days (7), the Contractor will charge a penalty amounting to 0.5 % of the owed amount for each day of default. The claim may be enforced in court or sold to a company engaged in claim enforcement.